GTCS Game Engine:
ParticleSystem Tutorial

Note: To use the ParticleSystem, you must have the newest version of the game engine.


The ParticleSystem will allow to easily create and manipulate a permanent particle emitter of your choosing.

Currently, there are 3 Particle presets to choose from. Fire, Smoke, and Snow.

For this tutorial, we shall explain how to control the ParticleSystem using Fire as the example. Any differences between the 3 will be explained during this tutorial.

Here's an example of a basic fire.

This flame is a basic fire that can be used in many scenarios. Now let’s go over how a flame such as this can be created.

Flame Exapmles: Torch FlamePillar FlameForest Flame

You can download the source code from here. Fire, Smoke, and Snow.

You can try the demo for the ParticleSystems here. Fire, Smoke, and Snow.

Structure of Fire class

MyGame.prototype.initialize = function(){
	this.mFire = Fire(xPos, yPos, width, height, life, xVelocity, yVelocity, flicker, intensity, xAcceleration, size, yOffset);

Constructor header for Fire.

Let's look at what each of these parameters mean.

xPos The X Position that the object will be based on
yPos The Y Position that the object will be based on
width(xOffset) The maximum horizontal offset that particles can spawn from
yAcceleration The vertical acceleration of the particles
life The life of the particles that the emitter spawns
xVelocity The maximum starting horizontal velocity for the particles
yVelocity The maximum starting vertical velocity for the particles
flicker How quickly the particles shrink
intensity How many particles are created every update
xAcceleration The horizontal acceleration of the particles
size The starting size of the particles
yOffset The maximum vertical offset that particles can spawn from

There are getters and setters for all of these variables

A fire object creates a fire particle and modifies all these variables are used in creating the fire like effect that you desire.

MyGame.prototype.draw = function(aCamera){

Draw method for Fire.

By passing a Camera object to the draw method, the Fire object will be drawn on that camera at the location that it is set on.

MyGame.prototype.update = function(){
	// ...continued on next part...

Update method for Fire.

This will create and update the fire particles.


Collsion Handler for Fire.

By passing a object set, this will allow the particles to collide with objects in the passed set.

To make a basic fire, these are the parameters that are needed.

Width 3
yAcceleration 2
Life 20
xVelocity 0
yVelocity 20
Flicker 4
Intensity 1
xAcceleration 0
Size 2.5
yOffset 0
The parameter values for a basic fire.

Now, let’s get into a bit more detail with these parameters.


By increasing this parameter, you can increase the width of the fire. As you increase the width, you will also need to increase the intensity of the fire to compensate.


yAcceleration increases the speed that the fire particles raise up into the air. Thus, it’s very useful in creating the appearance of very powerful flames. Controlling the height while increasing the speed will require you to lower the life of the particles. This however comes with the loss of the natural fading of the particles. This also applies for xAcceleration.


Useful for giving bigger fire particles more time to naturally fade, or for controlling the size of more intense fires.

The one on the right has 1/4th the life of the left one. The particles for the right fire don’t pass the screen due to that.


The velocity variables are useful for creating unusual fires. Take this image for example.p>

The xVelocity for the left fire is 10.

The flame particles will initially move away from base of the fire. If it spawns to the right of it, it will move right. The reverse applies if it spawns to the left. The higher you make the value, the farther the particles will be pushed from the base.

yVelocity will cause particles to shoot up faster initially. Since this is the maximum velocity that a particle can have, it creates the effect that particles in the foreground shoot up much faster than those in the background.

The acceleration will overpower the velocity if the difference between them is big enough.


By increasing this parameter, particles will shrink faster. which means that particles have less of that white center to them. The fire itself will also appear to be shorter due to the particles shrinking faster. The fire to the right is an example of this.

The effects that increasing the flicker by 8 will have.

If the value is 0, then particles don’t shrink during their lifespan. If the flicker is negative, then particles grow in size rather than shrink. If the value is too high the entire screen goes white due to the eventual size of the particle.


This is the number of fire particles that are created every update cycle. As you increase this parameter the fire becomes denser with particles and thus whiter.

The effects of increasing the intensity by 5.

This particle is also very important to increasing the width and height of the fires. Increasing the offset merely increase the horizontal/vertical range where particles can spawn. Without an increase in intensity as well, you lose the fire effect and will instead just look like a bunch of particles spawning at random points.

An example of this effect.


Increasing the particle’s size will also cause the base of the flame to be bigger and will make the red part of the flame’s base more apparent.

The right flame has its size increased by 8.


This is similar to xOffset but instead is for vertical range. There is a difference in how the vertical offset is calculated per particle. Rather than using a base number, it just takes a random percentage of the yOffset and makes that the vertical offset of that particle. Because of that, the higher the value is, the less consistent the base of the fire becomes.

An example of this.

To compensate for this, you can use an object to hide the base, or lower the yPos of the Fire Object for more desirable positioning.

Now let’s look at 3 other types of fires to gain a better understanding of how these parameters interact with each other.

Torch Fire

Width 0
yAcceleration 0
Life 20
xVelocity 0
yVelocity 20
Flicker 32
Intensity 1
xAcceleration 0
Size 2.5
yOffset 0
The parameter values for a torch fire.

By shrinking the width and yAcceleration parameters, you get a thin, slower burning fire. The increase of the flicker parameter is what causes it to shrink to such a degree. Its reduction reduces both the width and height of the fire by about half, and the fire also is far less intense due to how quickly it shrinks.

Pillar Fire

Width 3
yAcceleration 36
Life 8
xVelocity 0
yVelocity 0
Flicker 2
Intensity 15
xAcceleration 0
Size 2.5
yOffset 1
The parameter values for a pillar fire.

The 2 most impactful parameters are the yAcceleration and the intensity. To achieve that blazing, solid white fire effect, you need the particles to rise very fast, and you need lots of particles to spawn at once. The flicker parameter is set to 2 to make it shrink very slowly, while still keeping the fire like effect where it is shrinking.

Forest Fire

Width 23
yAcceleration 11
Life 20
xVelocity 0
yVelocity 12
Flicker 4
Intensity 23
xAcceleration 8
Size 3.5
yOffset 0
The parameter values for a forest fire.

This requires raising both the width and intensity parameter to have a consistently wider fire. To have a “blowing in the wind” effect to the fire, you would raise both x and y acceleration until you reach the wind speed that you desire.

Now that the how for using and controlling the ParticleSystem has been explained. Let's look at the the other 2 ParticleSystem briefly.


This ParticleSystem preset has no differences to fire beside a different particle at the helm.

Here's a simple example of how smoke can be used.

Width 3
yAcceleration 2
Life 60
xVelocity 0
yVelocity 20
Flicker 1
Intensity 1
xAcceleration 0
Size 2.5
yOffset 0
The parameter values for fire smoke.

By reducing the flicker and raising the life of the smoke, the particles last longer and give that effect of smoke rising from the source.


All y variables are flipped. So when you increase the value, it causes it to go down quicker rather than up.

Here's the variables for normal snow.

Width 50
yAcceleration 5
Life 200
xVelocity 0
yVelocity 0
Flicker 0
Intensity 1
xAcceleration 0
Size 0.5
yOffset 0
The parameter values for snow.

The most important variable is life as to have falling particles that don't disappear en mass randomly, the particles need to have a long life. Flicker is set to 0 since in this example the particles don't need to shrink. yAcceleration controls how fast the snow falls and Width can be changed depending on how wide the snow should fall.


This particle system will allow for the creation of fire, smoke, and snow for the usage in games. With the knowledge you gained from this tutorial, you’re now capable of finding further applications for the ParticleSystem.

6/20/2018 - Akilas Mebrahtom