GTCS Game Engine:
UI Tutorial

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Note: These UI Objects are enhancements and in addition to the V2 UI Objects.

You can try the demo for the UI objects here.


This tutorial will cover the new UI Objects added. It will explain how to set up and use each of the UI Objects.

UI Objects: UI ButtonUI Sprite ButtonUI BarUI SliderUI ToggleUI Switch Toggle

Common Variables

position - a 2 entry array that takes the PIXEL position of the object

size - a 2 entry array that takes the PIXEL position of the object

color - a 4 entry array that controls the color of the object.

text - string for the object to display

textSize - a single number that controls the height of text

stencil - a renderable that is used in the draw call of several UI objects for stenciling

UI Text

This form of button uses solid colors and a stencil. To have more customized buttons, sprite buttons should be used.

MyGame.prototype.initialize = function(){
	this.UIButton = new UIButton(callback, context, position, size, text, textSize);

Constructor header for UI Button.

callback - sets the function to be called when the button is clicked

context - is which object the callback belongs to (e.g. if we want to call this.backSelect(), then backSelect is the callback and this is the context

Useful functions:

setTextColor - sets the normal color of the text

setHoverTextColor - sets the text color for when the button is hovered over

setClickTextColor - sets the color of the text for when the button is clicked

setBGColor - sets the normal color of the button's background

setBGHoverColor - sets the background's color for when the button is hovered over

setBGClickColor - sets the color of the background for when the button is clicked

setStencil sets - the stencil to be used when drawing

UI Sprite Button

This form of button uses a sprite image to allow for more customized buttons. It does not use a stencil.

Example sprite sheet for sprite button (border added to show full sheet)

MyGame.prototype.initialize = function(){
	this.UISpriteButton = new UISpriteButton(buttonSprite, callback, context, position, size, text, textSize);

Constructor header for UI Sprite Button.

buttonSprite - the sprite to be used for the button. There are four parts to the sprite: normal button sprite, hovered over button sprite, clicked button sprite, and an empty slot (since the sprite needs to be a power of 2 and it's easier to devide the UV by 4 than by 3).

callback and context are same as in UI Button

Useful functions:

setTextColor - sets the normal color of the text

setHoverTextColor - sets the text color for when the button is hovered over

setClickTextColor - sets the color of the text for when the button is clicked

setBGNormalUVs - sets the UVs of the buttonSprite that will be used when there is no interaction between the button and mouse

setBGHoverUVs - sets the UVs to be used for when the button is hovered over

setBGClickUVs - sets the UVs to be used when the button is clicked

UI Bar

Bars primarily consist of three elements: background (bg), middle (mid), and top. These element names refer to which element is drawn before another. Bars also use solid colors and a stencil for drawing. Basic on the given size, a bar will function horizontally or vertically.

MyGame.prototype.initialize = function(){
	this.UIBar = new UIBar(position, size);

Constructor header for UI Bar.

Useful functions:

setMaxValue - sets the maximum value of the bar (note: the minimum of the bar is always 0)

getMaxValue - returns the maximum value

setCurrentValue - sets the current value of the bar

getCurrentValue - returns the current value of the bar

incCurrentValue - increments the current value of the bar by a given value (positive or negative)

setBGVisible - sets whether the bar's background should be drawn

setMidVisible - sets whether the bar's middle element should be drawn

setBGColor - sets the background's color

setMidElemColor - sets the middle elements's color

setTopElemColor - sets the top elements's color

setStencil - sets the stencil to be used when drawing

setStencilUV - sets the UVs of the stencil

setSnapIncrease - sets whether or not the top element should jump when the bar's value is increasing

configInterpolation - sets the cycles and rate of the interpolated movement. Setting the cycles to 1 will turn off interpollation.

UI Slider

Sliders share some variables and functions as bars but add a handle for user input.

MyGame.prototype.initialize = function(){
	this.UISlider = new UISlider(position, size);

Constructor header for UI Slider.

Useful functions:

setMaxValue - sets the maximum value of the bar (note: the minimum of the bar is always 0)

getMaxValue - returns the maximum value

setCurrentValue - sets the current value of the bar

getCurrentValue - returns the current value of the bar

setHandleTexture - sets the image to be used for the handle

setHandleSize - sets the size of the handle

setHandleColor - sets the handles's color

setBGColor - sets the background's color

setColor - sets the color of the slider's top element

setTextXOffset - sets how far the text should be from the slider on the x axis

setTextColor - sets the color of the Text

setTextSize - sets the size of the text

setTextVisible - sets whether or not to show the text

setToFixedValue - sets how many decimal places should be shown when showing text (e.g. to fixed value of 2 shows to the tenths place, to fixed value of 0 does not show any decimal places)

setSnap - sets whether or not the slider handle should snap to certain increments

setSnapBy - sets the value by which the slider should snap (e.g. if snap by is to 0.5, slider will snap to nearest half so 1.2 would snap to 1 and 1.7 would snap to 1.5)

setMultiplier - sets a multiplier to be used for when displaying text (e.g. if the max value of the slider is 1 and it should appear to the user that the max is 100, the multiplier needs to be set to 100)

UI Toggle

Toggles let a user select from a list of options.

MyGame.prototype.initialize = function(){
	this.UIToggle = new UIToggle(position, size, optionTexts, textSize);

Constructor header for UI Toggle.

optionTexts - an array of strings to be displayed as the options for which the user can pick from

Useful functions:

getCurValue - returns the index of the currently selected option (note: keep in mind the first option has an index of 0)

setBGColor - sets the color of the toggle's background

setSelectionColor - sets the color to be used to show which option in selected

setNormalTextColor - sets the color for the text to be used for non-selected options

setSelectedTextColor - sets the color for the text to be used by the selected option

configInterpolation - sets the cycles and rate of the interpolated movement. Setting the cycles to 1 will turn off interpollation.

UI Switch Toggle

Switch toggles are a two state UI object (like a light switch).

MyGame.prototype.initialize = function(){
	this.UISwitchToggle = new UISwitchToggle(position, size);

Constructor header for UI Switch Toggle.

Useful functions:

setHandleTexture - sets the image to be used for the handle

setHandleSize - sets the size of the handle

setHandleColor - sets the handles's color

setBGColor - sets the background's color

setColor - sets the color of the switch toggles's top element

setState - sets the current state of the switch toggle

getState - returns the current state of the toggle (note: this is a boolean value)


These UI objects allow for a variety of ways for your user to interact with your game. They are customizable to fit the style of your game be it just through a color scheme or custom spites.

For information on support for text box (text input) and drop-down menu please ref to: here.

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6/1/2019 - Kyla NeSmith