Source: Physics/RigidCircle.js

 * File: RigidCircle.js
 * Defines a rigid circle

/*jslint node: true, vars:true , white: true*/
/*global gEngine, RigidShape, vec2, LineRenderable */
/* find out more about jslint: */
"use strict";

 * @param {Transform} xform Transform object
 * @param {Number} r Radius of circle
 * @returns {RigidCircle} New instance of RigidCircle
 * @class RigidCircle
function RigidCircle(xform, r) {, xform);
    this.kNumSides = 16;
    this.mSides = new LineRenderable();
    this.mRadius = r;
gEngine.Core.inheritPrototype(RigidCircle, RigidShape);

 * Return the type of Rigidshape
 * @returns {enum|eRigidType}
 * @memberOf RigidCircle
RigidCircle.prototype.rigidType = function () {
    return RigidShape.eRigidType.eRigidCircle;

 * Return the Cicle Radius size
 * @returns {Number} Radius of circle
 * @memberOf RigidCircle
RigidCircle.prototype.getRadius = function () {
    return this.mRadius;

 * Draw function called by GameLoop
 * @param {Camera} aCamera Camera to draw too
 * @returns {void}
 * @memberOf RigidCircle
RigidCircle.prototype.draw = function (aCamera) {
    if (!this.mDrawBounds) {
    }, aCamera);
    // kNumSides forms the circle.
    var pos = this.getPosition();
    var prevPoint = vec2.clone(pos);
    var deltaTheta = (Math.PI * 2.0) / this.kNumSides;
    var theta = deltaTheta;
    prevPoint[0] += this.mRadius;
    var i, x, y;
    for (i = 1; i <= this.kNumSides; i++) {
        x = pos[0] + this.mRadius * Math.cos(theta);
        y = pos[1] +  this.mRadius * Math.sin(theta);
        this.mSides.setFirstVertex(prevPoint[0], prevPoint[1]);
        this.mSides.setSecondVertex(x, y);
        theta = theta + deltaTheta;
        prevPoint[0] = x;
        prevPoint[1] = y;

 * Set the Color of the position marker and sides
 * @param {Float[]} color new color of marker and sides [R, G, B, A]
 * @returns {void}
 * @memberOf RigidCircle
RigidCircle.prototype.setColor = function (color) {, color);