* File: RigidRectangle.js
* Defines a rigid Rectangle
/*jslint node: true, vars:true , white: true*/
/*global gEngine, RigidShape, vec2, LineRenderable */
/* find out more about jslint: http://www.jslint.com/help.html */
"use strict";
* @param {Transform} xform Transform object
* @param {Number} w Width of rectangle
* @param {Number} h Height of rectangle
* @returns {RigidRectangle} New instance of RigidRectangle
* @class RigidRectangle
function RigidRectangle(xform, w, h) {
RigidShape.call(this, xform);
this.mSides = new LineRenderable();
this.mWidth = w;
this.mHeight = h;
gEngine.Core.inheritPrototype(RigidRectangle, RigidShape);
* Return the type of Rigidshape
* @returns {enum|eRigidType}
* @memberOf RigidRectangle
RigidRectangle.prototype.rigidType = function () {
return RigidShape.eRigidType.eRigidRectangle;
* Draw function called by GameLoop
* @param {Camera} aCamera Camera to draw too
* @returns {void}
* @memberOf RigidRectangle
RigidRectangle.prototype.draw = function (aCamera) {
if (!this.mDrawBounds) {
RigidShape.prototype.draw.call(this, aCamera);
var x = this.getPosition()[0];
var y = this.getPosition()[1];
var w = this.mWidth/2;
var h = this.mHeight/2;
this.mSides.setFirstVertex(x - w, y + h); //TOP LEFT
this.mSides.setSecondVertex(x + w, y + h); //TOP RIGHT
this.mSides.setFirstVertex(x + w, y - h); //BOTTOM RIGHT
this.mSides.setSecondVertex(x - w, y - h); //BOTTOM LEFT
this.mSides.setFirstVertex(x - w, y + h); //TOP LEFT
* Return the width of the rectangle
* @returns {Number} Width of rectangle
* @memberOf RigidRectangle
RigidRectangle.prototype.getWidth = function () { return this.mWidth; };
* Return the height of the rectangle
* @returns {Number} Height of rectangle
* @memberOf RigidRectangle
RigidRectangle.prototype.getHeight = function () { return this.mHeight; };
* Set the Color of the position marker and sides
* @param {Float[]} color new color of marker and sides [R, G, B, A]
* @returns {void}
* @memberOf RigidRectangle
RigidRectangle.prototype.setColor = function (color) {
RigidShape.prototype.setColor.call(this, color);