* File: Camera.js
* Encapsulates the user define WC and Viewport functionality
/*jslint node: true, vars: true, bitwise: true */
/*global gEngine, SimpleShader, Renderable, mat4, vec2, vec3, BoundingBox, CameraState */
/* find out more about jslint: http://www.jslint.com/help.html */
"use strict";
* Information to be updated once per render for efficiency concerns
* @class PerRenderCache
* @returns {PerRenderCache} New instance of PerRenderCache
function PerRenderCache() {
this.mWCToPixelRatio = 1; // WC to pixel transformation
this.mCameraOrgX = 1; // Lower-left corner of camera in WC
this.mCameraOrgY = 1;
this.mCameraPosInPixelSpace = vec3.fromValues(0, 0, 0); //
* Default Constructor<p>
* Height of the user defined WC is implicitly defined by the viewport aspect ratio<p>
* viewportRect: an array of 4 elements<p>
* [0] [1]: (x,y) position of lower left corner on the canvas (in pixel)<p>
* [2]: width of viewport<p>
* [3]: height of viewport
* @class Camera
* @param {vec2} wcCenter Center position of Camera
* @param {Number} wcWidth Width of Camera
* @param {Float[]} viewportArray position and size of viewport [x, y, width, height]
* @param {Number} bound viewport border
* @returns {Camera} New instance of Camera
function Camera(wcCenter, wcWidth, viewportArray, bound) {
// WC and viewport position and size
this.mCameraState = new CameraState(wcCenter, wcWidth);
this.mCameraShake = null;
this.mViewport = []; // [x, y, width, height]
this.mViewportBound = 0;
if (bound !== undefined) {
this.mViewportBound = bound;
this.mScissorBound = []; // use for bounds
this.setViewport(viewportArray, this.mViewportBound);
this.mNearPlane = 0;
this.mFarPlane = 1000;
this.kCameraZ = 10; // This is for illumination computation
// transformation matrices
this.mViewMatrix = mat4.create();
this.mProjMatrix = mat4.create();
this.mVPMatrix = mat4.create();
// background color
this.mBgColor = [0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1]; // RGB and Alpha
// per-rendering cached information
// needed for computing transforms for shaders
// updated each time in SetupViewProjection()
this.mRenderCache = new PerRenderCache();
// SHOULD NOT be used except
// xform operations during the rendering
// Client game should not access this!
* Viewport enum
* @memberOf Camera
* @type {enum|eViewport}
Camera.eViewport = Object.freeze({
eOrgX: 0,
eOrgY: 1,
eWidth: 2,
eHeight: 3
// <editor-fold desc="Public Methods">
// <editor-fold desc="Getter/Setter">
// <editor-fold desc="setter/getter of WC and viewport">
* Set the World Coordinate center position
* @memberOf Camera
* @param {Number} xPos World Coordinate X position
* @param {Number} yPos World Coordinate Y position
* @returns {void}
Camera.prototype.setWCCenter = function (xPos, yPos) {
var p = vec2.fromValues(xPos, yPos);
* Return Camera position in pixel space
* @memberOf Camera
* @returns {vec3} Camera position in pixel space
Camera.prototype.getPosInPixelSpace = function () { return this.mRenderCache.mCameraPosInPixelSpace; };
* Return the World Coordinate center position
* @memberOf Camera
* @returns {vec2} World Coordinate center position
Camera.prototype.getWCCenter = function () { return this.mCameraState.getCenter(); };
* Set the World Coordinate width
* @memberOf Camera
* @param {Number} width of the World Coordinate
* @returns {void}
Camera.prototype.setWCWidth = function (width) { this.mCameraState.setWidth(width); };
* Return the width of the World Coordinate
* @memberOf Camera
* @returns {Number} width of the World Coordinate
Camera.prototype.getWCWidth = function () { return this.mCameraState.getWidth(); };
* Return the height of the World Coordinate
* @memberOf Camera
* @returns {Number} height of the World Coordinate
Camera.prototype.getWCHeight = function () { return this.mCameraState.getWidth() * this.mViewport[Camera.eViewport.eHeight] / this.mViewport[Camera.eViewport.eWidth]; };
// viewportH/viewportW
* Set the Camera viewport
* @memberOf Camera
* @param {Float[]} viewportArray viewportArray position and size of viewport [x, y, width, height]
* @param {Number} bound viewport border
* @returns {void}
Camera.prototype.setViewport = function (viewportArray, bound) {
if (bound === undefined) {
bound = this.mViewportBound;
// [x, y, width, height]
this.mViewport[0] = viewportArray[0] + bound;
this.mViewport[1] = viewportArray[1] + bound;
this.mViewport[2] = viewportArray[2] - (2 * bound);
this.mViewport[3] = viewportArray[3] - (2 * bound);
this.mScissorBound[0] = viewportArray[0];
this.mScissorBound[1] = viewportArray[1];
this.mScissorBound[2] = viewportArray[2];
this.mScissorBound[3] = viewportArray[3];
* Return the Camera viewport
* @memberOf Camera
* @returns {Array} camera Viewport [x, y, width, height]
Camera.prototype.getViewport = function () {
var out = [];
out[0] = this.mScissorBound[0];
out[1] = this.mScissorBound[1];
out[2] = this.mScissorBound[2];
out[3] = this.mScissorBound[3];
return out;
//<editor-fold desc="setter/getter of wc background color">
* Set the background color of the Camera
* @memberOf Camera
* @param {Float[]} newColor new color of the background
* @returns {void}
Camera.prototype.setBackgroundColor = function (newColor) { this.mBgColor = newColor; };
* Return the background color of the Camera
* @memberOf Camera
* @returns {Float[]}
Camera.prototype.getBackgroundColor = function () { return this.mBgColor; };
* Return the View-Projection transform operator
* @memberOf Camera
* @returns {mat4} View-Projection transform
Camera.prototype.getVPMatrix = function () {
return this.mVPMatrix;
// </editor-fold>
// </editor-fold>
* Initializes the camera to begin drawing
* @memberOf Camera
* @returns {void}
Camera.prototype.setupViewProjection = function () {
var gl = gEngine.Core.getGL();
//<editor-fold desc="Step A: Set up and clear the Viewport">
// Step A1: Set up the viewport: area on canvas to be drawn
gl.viewport(this.mViewport[0], // x position of bottom-left corner of the area to be drawn
this.mViewport[1], // y position of bottom-left corner of the area to be drawn
this.mViewport[2], // width of the area to be drawn
this.mViewport[3]); // height of the area to be drawn
// Step A2: set up the corresponding scissor area to limit the clear area
gl.scissor(this.mScissorBound[0], // x position of bottom-left corner of the area to be drawn
this.mScissorBound[1], // y position of bottom-left corner of the area to be drawn
this.mScissorBound[2], // width of the area to be drawn
this.mScissorBound[3]);// height of the area to be drawn
// Step A3: set the color to be clear
gl.clearColor(this.mBgColor[0], this.mBgColor[1], this.mBgColor[2], this.mBgColor[3]); // set the color to be cleared
// Step A4: enable the scissor area, clear, and then disable the scissor area
//<editor-fold desc="Step B: Set up the View-Projection transform operator">
// Step B1: define the view matrix
var center = [];
if (this.mCameraShake !== null) {
center = this.mCameraShake.getCenter();
} else {
center = this.getWCCenter();
[center[0], center[1], this.kCameraZ], // WC center
[center[0], center[1], 0], //
[0, 1, 0]); // orientation
// Step B2: define the projection matrix
var halfWCWidth = 0.5 * this.getWCWidth();
var halfWCHeight = 0.5 * this.getWCHeight(); //
-halfWCWidth, // distance to left of WC
halfWCWidth, // distance to right of WC
-halfWCHeight, // distance to bottom of WC
halfWCHeight, // distance to top of WC
this.mNearPlane, // z-distance to near plane
this.mFarPlane // z-distance to far plane
// Step B3: concatenate view and project matrices
mat4.multiply(this.mVPMatrix, this.mProjMatrix, this.mViewMatrix);
// Step B4: compute and cache per-rendering information
this.mRenderCache.mWCToPixelRatio = this.mViewport[Camera.eViewport.eWidth] / this.getWCWidth();
this.mRenderCache.mCameraOrgX = center[0] - (this.getWCWidth() / 2);
this.mRenderCache.mCameraOrgY = center[1] - (this.getWCHeight() / 2);
var p = this.wcPosToPixel(this.getWCCenter());
this.mRenderCache.mCameraPosInPixelSpace[0] = p[0];
this.mRenderCache.mCameraPosInPixelSpace[1] = p[1];
this.mRenderCache.mCameraPosInPixelSpace[2] = this.fakeZInPixelSpace(this.kCameraZ);
* Check if parameter transform collides with the camera border
* @memberOf Camera
* @param {Transform} aXform to check collision status
* @param {Float} zone distance from the camera border to collide with
* @returns {eboundCollideStatus} Collision status of the parameter transform and Camera
Camera.prototype.collideWCBound = function (aXform, zone) {
var bbox = new BoundingBox(aXform.getPosition(), aXform.getWidth(), aXform.getHeight());
var w = zone * this.getWCWidth();
var h = zone * this.getWCHeight();
var cameraBound = new BoundingBox(this.getWCCenter(), w, h);
return cameraBound.boundCollideStatus(bbox);
* prevents the xform from moving outside of the WC boundary<p>
* by clamping the aXfrom at the boundary of WC
* @memberOf Camera
* @param {Transform} aXform to check collision status
* @param {Float} zone distance from the camera border to collide with
* @returns {eboundCollideStatus} Collision status of the parameter transform and Camera
Camera.prototype.clampAtBoundary = function (aXform, zone) {
var status = this.collideWCBound(aXform, zone);
if (status !== BoundingBox.eboundCollideStatus.eInside) {
var pos = aXform.getPosition();
if ((status & BoundingBox.eboundCollideStatus.eCollideTop) !== 0) {
pos[1] = (this.getWCCenter())[1] + (zone * this.getWCHeight() / 2) - (aXform.getHeight() / 2);
if ((status & BoundingBox.eboundCollideStatus.eCollideBottom) !== 0) {
pos[1] = (this.getWCCenter())[1] - (zone * this.getWCHeight() / 2) + (aXform.getHeight() / 2);
if ((status & BoundingBox.eboundCollideStatus.eCollideRight) !== 0) {
pos[0] = (this.getWCCenter())[0] + (zone * this.getWCWidth() / 2) - (aXform.getWidth() / 2);
if ((status & BoundingBox.eboundCollideStatus.eCollideLeft) !== 0) {
pos[0] = (this.getWCCenter())[0] - (zone * this.getWCWidth() / 2) + (aXform.getWidth() / 2);
return status;