* File: Transform.js
* Encapsulates the matrix transformation functionality, meant to work with
* Renderable
/*jslint node: true, vars: true */
/*global gEngine: false, vec2: false, Math: false, mat4: false, vec3: false */
/* find out more about jslint: http://www.jslint.com/help.html */
"use strict";
* Defualt Constructor.
* @memberOf Transform
* @returns {Transform}
function Transform() {
this.mPosition = vec2.fromValues(0, 0); // this is the translation
this.mScale = vec2.fromValues(1, 1); // this is the width (x) and height (y)
this.mZ = 0.0; // must be a positive number, larger is closer to eye
this.mRotationInRad = 0.0; // in radians!
* Clone this transform properties to the paramater object.
* @memberOf Transform
* @param {type} aXform to clone this transform properties to.
* @returns {void}
Transform.prototype.cloneTo = function (aXform) {
aXform.mPosition = vec2.clone(this.mPosition);
aXform.mScale = vec2.clone(this.mScale);
aXform.mZ = this.mZ;
aXform.mRotationInRad = this.mRotationInRad;
// <editor-fold desc="Public Methods">
//<editor-fold desc="Setter/getter methods">
// // <editor-fold desc="Position setters and getters ">
* Sets the X and Y position.
* @memberOf Transform
* @param {Number} xPos of the transform.
* @param {Number} yPos of the transform.
* @returns {void}
Transform.prototype.setPosition = function (xPos, yPos) { this.setXPos(xPos); this.setYPos(yPos); };
* Returns the 2D Position.
* @memberOf Transform
* @returns {vec2} 2D Position.
Transform.prototype.getPosition = function () { return this.mPosition; };
* Returns the 3D Position.
* @memberOf Transform
* @returns {vec3} 3D Position.
Transform.prototype.get3DPosition = function () {
return vec3.fromValues(this.getXPos(), this.getYPos(), this.getZPos());
* Returns the X Position.
* @memberOf Transform
* @returns {Number} X Position.
Transform.prototype.getXPos = function () { return this.mPosition[0]; };
* Sets the X Position.
* @memberOf Transform
* @param {Number} xPos New X Position.
* @returns {void}
Transform.prototype.setXPos = function (xPos) { this.mPosition[0] = xPos; };
* Increment the X Position value by param.
* @memberOf Transform
* @param {Number} delta to increment X Position.
* @returns {void}
Transform.prototype.incXPosBy = function (delta) { this.mPosition[0] += delta; };
* Returns the Y Position.
* @memberOf Transform
* @returns {Number} Y Position.
Transform.prototype.getYPos = function () { return this.mPosition[1]; };
* Sets the Y Position.
* @memberOf Transform
* @param {Number} yPos new Y Position.
* @returns {void}
Transform.prototype.setYPos = function (yPos) { this.mPosition[1] = yPos; };
* Increment the Y Position value by param.
* @memberOf Transform
* @param {Number} delta to increment the Y Position.
* @returns {void}
Transform.prototype.incYPosBy = function (delta) { this.mPosition[1] += delta; };
* Sets the Z Position.
* @memberOf Transform
* @param {Number} d new Z Position.
* @returns {void}
Transform.prototype.setZPos = function (d) { this.mZ = d; };
* Returns the Z Position.
* @memberOf Transform
* @returns {Number}
Transform.prototype.getZPos = function () { return this.mZ; };
* Increment the Z Position by delta.
* @memberOf Transform
* @param {Number} delta to increment the Z Position.
* @returns {void}
Transform.prototype.incZPosBy = function (delta) { this.mZ += delta; };
// <editor-fold desc="size setters and getters">
* Set the Size.
* @memberOf Transform
* @param {Number} width new width of the Transform.
* @param {Number} height new height of the Transform.
* @returns {void}
Transform.prototype.setSize = function (width, height) {
* Returns the Size.
* @memberOf Transform
* @returns {vec2} Size of the Transform.
Transform.prototype.getSize = function () { return this.mScale; };
* Increment the Width and Height by delta.
* @memberOf Transform
* @param {Number} delta to increment the width and height.
* @returns {void}
Transform.prototype.incSizeBy = function (delta) {
* Returns the Width of the Transform.
* @memberOf Transform
* @returns {Number} Width of the Transform.
Transform.prototype.getWidth = function () { return this.mScale[0]; };
* Sets the Width of the Transform.
* @memberOf Transform
* @param {Number} width new width of the transform.
* @returns {void}
Transform.prototype.setWidth = function (width) { this.mScale[0] = width; };
* Increment Width of the Transform.
* @memberOf Transform
* @param {Number} delta to increment the width by.
* @returns {void}
Transform.prototype.incWidthBy = function (delta) { this.mScale[0] += delta; };
* Returns the Height of the Transform.
* @memberOf Transform
* @returns {Number} Height of the Transform.
Transform.prototype.getHeight = function () { return this.mScale[1]; };
* Sets the Height of the Transform.
* @memberOf Transform
* @param {Number} height new height of the Transform.
* @returns {void}
Transform.prototype.setHeight = function (height) { this.mScale[1] = height; };
* Increment the Height of the Transform.
* @memberOf Transform
* @param {Number} delta to increment the height by.
* @returns {void}
Transform.prototype.incHeightBy = function (delta) { this.mScale[1] += delta; };
// <editor-fold desc="rotation getters and setters">
* Set the Transform's Rotation in Radians.
* @memberOf Transform
* @param {Number} rotationInRadians Radian to set the Transform.
* @returns {void}
Transform.prototype.setRotationInRad = function (rotationInRadians) {
this.mRotationInRad = rotationInRadians;
while (this.mRotationInRad > (2 * Math.PI)) {
this.mRotationInRad -= (2 * Math.PI);
* Set the Transform's Rotation in Degree's.
* @memberOf Transform
* @param {Number} rotationInDegree Degree to set the Transform.
* @returns {void}
Transform.prototype.setRotationInDegree = function (rotationInDegree) {
this.setRotationInRad(rotationInDegree * Math.PI / 180.0);
* Increment the Rotation by delta Degree.
* @memberOf Transform
* @param {Number} deltaDegree to increment the rotatation by.
* @returns {void}
Transform.prototype.incRotationByDegree = function (deltaDegree) {
this.incRotationByRad(deltaDegree * Math.PI / 180.0);
* Increment the Rotation by delta Radian.
* @memberOf Transform
* @param {Number} deltaRad to increment the rotation by.
* @returns {void}
Transform.prototype.incRotationByRad = function (deltaRad) {
this.setRotationInRad(this.mRotationInRad + deltaRad);
* Returns the Rotation in Radian.
* @memberOf Transform
* @returns {Number} Radian rotation of the Transform.
Transform.prototype.getRotationInRad = function () { return this.mRotationInRad; };
* Returns the Rotation in Degree.
* @memberOf Transform
* @returns {Number} Degree rotation of the Transform.
Transform.prototype.getRotationInDegree = function () { return this.mRotationInRad * 180.0 / Math.PI; };
* returns the matrix the concatenates the transformations defined
* @memberOf Transform
* @returns {mat4} Maxtrix 4 representation of the Transform.
Transform.prototype.getXform = function () {
// Creates a blank identity matrix
var matrix = mat4.create();
// The matrices that WebGL uses are transposed, thus the typical matrix
// operations must be in reverse.
// Step A: compute translation, for now z is the mHeight
mat4.translate(matrix, matrix, this.get3DPosition());
// Step B: concatenate with rotation.
mat4.rotateZ(matrix, matrix, this.getRotationInRad());
// Step C: concatenate with scaling
mat4.scale(matrix, matrix, vec3.fromValues(this.getWidth(), this.getHeight(), 1.0));
return matrix;