Source: RigidShapes/RigidRectangle.js

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/*jslint node: true, vars: true, evil: true, bitwise: true */
"use strict";
/* global RigidShape, vec2, gEngine */

 * Default constructor for the RigidRectangle
 * @param {Transform} xf The transform to base the Rigid Rectangle on
 * @param {float} width The width of the rectangle
 * @param {float} height The height of the rectangle
 * @returns {RigidRectangle}
 * @class RigidRectangle
 * @type RigidRectangle
var RigidRectangle = function (xf, width, height) {, xf);
    this.mType = "RigidRectangle";
    this.mWidth = width;
    this.mHeight = height;
    this.mBoundRadius = Math.sqrt(width * width + height * height) / 2;
    this.mVertex = [];
    this.mFaceNormal = [];
gEngine.Core.inheritPrototype(RigidRectangle, RigidShape);

 * Updates the Inertia value
 * @memberOf RigidRectangle
RigidRectangle.prototype.updateInertia = function () {
    // Expect this.mInvMass to be already inverted!
    if (this.mInvMass === 0) {
        this.mInertia = 0;
    } else {
        this.mInertia = (1 / this.mInvMass) * (this.mWidth * this.mWidth + this.mHeight * this.mHeight) / 12;
        this.mInertia = 1 / this.mInertia;

 * Increases the Rigid Rectangle by the number that's passed
 * @memberOf RigidRectangle
 * @param {float} dt The number to increase it by
RigidRectangle.prototype.incShapeSizeBy= function (dt) {
    this.mHeight += dt;
    this.mWidth += dt;

 * Adjust the position of the Rigid Rectangle Based on the parameters
 * @memberOf RigidRectangle
 * @param {float} v
 * @param {float} delta
RigidRectangle.prototype.adjustPositionBy = function(v, delta) {, v, delta);

 * Updates the verticies of the Rigid Rectangle
 * @memberOf RigidRectangle
RigidRectangle.prototype.setVertices = function () {
    var center = this.mXform.getPosition();
    var hw = this.mWidth / 2;
    var hh = this.mHeight / 2;
    this.mVertex[0] = vec2.fromValues(center[0] - hw, center[1] - hh);
    this.mVertex[1] = vec2.fromValues(center[0] + hw, center[1] - hh);
    this.mVertex[2] = vec2.fromValues(center[0] + hw, center[1] + hh);
    this.mVertex[3] = vec2.fromValues(center[0] - hw, center[1] + hh);    

 * Updates the normals of the faces for the Rigid Rectangle
 * @memberOf RigidRectangle
RigidRectangle.prototype.computeFaceNormals = function () {
    //mFaceNormal is normal of face toward outside of rectangle    
    for (var i = 0; i<4; i++) {
        var v = (i+1) % 4;
        var nv = (i+2) % 4;
        this.mFaceNormal[i] = vec2.clone(this.mVertex[v]);
        vec2.subtract(this.mFaceNormal[i], this.mFaceNormal[i], this.mVertex[nv]);
        vec2.normalize(this.mFaceNormal[i], this.mFaceNormal[i]);

 * Handles verticies for rotated Rigid Rectangles
 * @memberOf RigidRectangle
RigidRectangle.prototype.rotateVertices = function () {
    var center = this.mXform.getPosition();
    var r = this.mXform.getRotationInRad();
    for (var i = 0; i<4; i++) {
        vec2.rotateWRT(this.mVertex[i], this.mVertex[i], r, center);

 * Draws a line 
 * @memberOf RigidRectangle
 * @param {float} i1 The start point
 * @param {float} i2 The end point
 * @param {Camera} aCamera The camera to draw it on
RigidRectangle.prototype.drawAnEdge = function (i1, i2, aCamera) {
    this.mLine.setFirstVertex(this.mVertex[i1][0], this.mVertex[i1][1]);  
    this.mLine.setSecondVertex(this.mVertex[i2][0], this.mVertex[i2][1]); 

 * Draws the rectangle
 * @memberOf RigidRectangle
 * @param {Camera} aCamera The camera to draw it upon
RigidRectangle.prototype.draw = function (aCamera) {, aCamera);
    this.mLine.setColor([0, 0, 0, 1]);
    var i = 0;
    for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
        this.drawAnEdge(i, (i+1)%4, aCamera);
    if (this.mDrawBounds) {
        this.mLine.setColor([1, 1, 1, 1]);
        this.drawCircle(aCamera, this.mBoundRadius);

 * Updates the Rigid Rectangle
 * @memberOf RigidRectangle
RigidRectangle.prototype.update = function () {;