* File: Light.js
* Defines a simple light source
/*jslint node: true, vars: true, bitwise: true */
/*global vec3, vec4 */
/* find out more about jslint: http://www.jslint.com/help.html */
"use strict";
// **** WARNING: The following enumerate values must be identical to
// the values of
// ePointLight, eDirectionalLight, eSpotLight
// defined in LightFS.glsl and IllumFS.glsl
* Light type enum
* @type {enum|eLightType}
* @memberOf Light
Light.eLightType = Object.freeze({
ePointLight: 0,
eDirectionalLight: 1,
eSpotLight: 2
// Constructor
* Default Constructor<p>
* Defines a simple light source
* @returns {Light} New instance of Light
* @class Light
function Light() {
this.mColor = vec4.fromValues(1, 1, 1, 1); // light color
this.mPosition = vec3.fromValues(0, 0, 5); // light position in WC
this.mDirection = vec3.fromValues(0, 0, -1); // in WC
this.mNear = 5; // effective radius in WC
this.mFar = 10;
this.mInner = 0.1; // in radian
this.mOuter = 0.3;
this.mIntensity = 1;
this.mDropOff = 1; //
this.mLightType = Light.eLightType.ePointLight;
this.mIsOn = true;
this.mCastShadow = false;
//<editor-fold desc="public functions">
// simple setters and getters
* Set the light color
* @param {Float[]} c color of light [R, G, B, A]
* @returns {void}
* @memberOf Light
Light.prototype.setColor = function (c) { this.mColor = vec4.clone(c); };
* Return the color of light
* @returns {Float[]} color of light [R, G, B, A]
* @memberOf Light
Light.prototype.getColor = function () { return this.mColor; };
* Set the 2D position of the light in World Coordinate
* @param {Float[]} p 2D position {X, Y]
* @returns {void}
* @memberOf Light
Light.prototype.set2DPosition = function (p) { this.mPosition = vec3.fromValues(p[0], p[1], this.mPosition[2]); };
* Set the X position of the light
* @param {Float} x position of light
* @returns {void}
* @memberOf Light
Light.prototype.setXPos = function (x) { this.mPosition[0] = x; };
* Set the Y position of the light
* @param {Float} y position of light
* @returns {void}
* @memberOf Light
Light.prototype.setYPos = function (y) { this.mPosition[1] = y; };
* Set the Z position of the light
* @param {Float} z position of light
* @returns {void}
* @memberOf Light
Light.prototype.setZPos = function (z) { this.mPosition[2] = z; };
* Return the position of the light
* @returns {vec3} position of light [X, Y, Z]
* @memberOf Light
Light.prototype.getPosition = function () { return this.mPosition; };
* Set the direction of the light
* @param {vec3} d direction vector [X, Y, Z]
* @returns {void}
* @memberOf Light
Light.prototype.setDirection = function (d) { this.mDirection = vec3.clone(d); };
* Get the direction of the light
* @returns {vec3} direction vector of light [X, Y, Z]
* @memberOf Light
Light.prototype.getDirection = function () { return this.mDirection; };
* Set near distance. Anything less than this distance is illuminated
* @param {Number} n new Near distance
* @returns {void}
* @memberOf Light
Light.prototype.setNear = function (n) { this.mNear = n; };
* Return near distance
* @returns {Number} Current near distance
* @memberOf Light
Light.prototype.getNear = function () { return this.mNear; };
* Set far distance. Anything farther than distance will not be illuminated by this light
* @param {Number} f new far distance
* @returns {void}
* @memberOf Light
Light.prototype.setFar = function (f) { this.mFar = f; };
* Return far distance
* @returns {Number} Current far distance
* @memberOf Light
Light.prototype.getFar = function () { return this.mFar; };
* Set the inner cone angle of the spot light. less than inner angle is illuminated
* @param {Number} r new inner angle
* @returns {void}
* @memberOf Light
Light.prototype.setInner = function (r) { this.mInner = r; };
* Return Inner cone angle of spotlight
* @returns {Number} Current inner spotlight cone angle
* @memberOf Light
Light.prototype.getInner = function () { return this.mInner; };
* Set the outer cone angle of the spot light. greater than outter angle is not illuminated
* @param {Number} r new outer angle
* @returns {void}
* @memberOf Light
Light.prototype.setOuter = function (r) { this.mOuter = r; };
* Return outer cone angle of spotlight
* @returns {Number} Current outer spotlight cone angle
* @memberOf Light
Light.prototype.getOuter = function () { return this.mOuter; };
* Set the Intensity of the light.
* @param {Number} i new Intensity value
* @returns {void}
* @memberOf Light
Light.prototype.setIntensity = function (i) { this.mIntensity = i; };
* Return the Intensity of the light
* @returns {Number} Current Intensity value
* @memberOf Light
Light.prototype.getIntensity = function () { return this.mIntensity; };
* Set how quickly does light intensity drops off between inner/outer, Near/Far,
* a larger Drop off number results in “softer/smoother” transition
* from full illumination to no illumination
* @param {Number} d new DropOff value
* @returns {void}
* @memberOf Light
Light.prototype.setDropOff = function (d) { this.mDropOff = d; };
* Return dropoff value
* @returns {Number} Current DropOff value
* @memberOf Light
Light.prototype.getDropOff = function () { return this.mDropOff; };
* Set the Light type
* @param {enum|eLightType} t light type
* @returns {void}
* @memberOf Light
Light.prototype.setLightType = function (t) { this.mLightType = t; };
* Return the current light type
* @returns {enum|eLightType} current Light Type
* @memberOf Light
Light.prototype.getLightType = function () { return this.mLightType; };
* Return the Light on state
* @returns {Boolean} true if light is on
* @memberOf Light
Light.prototype.isLightOn = function () { return this.mIsOn; };
* Set the light on state
* @param {Boolean} on state to set light on
* @returns {void}
* @memberOf Light
Light.prototype.setLightTo = function (on) { this.mIsOn = on; };
* Return the current state of light casting shadow
* @returns {Boolean} true if light is casting shadow
* @memberOf Light
Light.prototype.isLightCastShadow = function () { return this.mCastShadow; };
* Set the light to cast shadows
* @param {Boolean} on state to set casting of shadows
* @returns {void}
* @memberOf Light
Light.prototype.setLightCastShadowTo = function (on) { this.mCastShadow = on; };